About me
Hi there, I'm juls07, I am 15 years old and I love web development. I first dabbled in web development when I was ten, and here we are today! I mainly use NuxtJs to build my websites since I absolutely adore Vuejs. For me, I love being able to imagine anything and it to come to life. Finally, go checkout my Github and also my Twitter.
CappuccinOS is a Rust operating system built from scratch targeting x86_64. This project has oppened my eyes to low level development and let me learn a lot about Rust.
This is the site you're currently on, a simple but decent enough portfolio and blog site.
PHP Forum
This was my first fullstack project and one of my first projects I ever released the source code of.
I used this project to learn more about fullstack web development using vue.js. It's just a simple forum, similar to reddit, but much simpler.
Discord Clone
Excited by Nuxt 3's recent stable release at the time, I jumped on the opportunity to build a fullstack application with it. This project was an amazing learning experience and I had a blast making it!